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Skinny Pete | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Peter, commonly referred to as Skinny Pete, is one of Jesse Pinkman's longtime friends and a low-level meth distributor. Skinny Pete served time in the Los Lunas state prison with Tuco Salamanca and later introduced Jesse to the drug dealer. He

Skyler White | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Skyler - Main 1993 2008 2009 2010 Skyler White Portrayed by Anna Gunn Character information Full name née Lambert Aliases Sky Yoko Ono Saul Goodman Ball Buster Jesse Pinkman Date

Gustavo Fring | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Gustavo - Main 1989 2002 2003 2004 2009 Gustavo Fring Portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito Character information Aliases Gus The Chicken Man El Pollero Chilean Big Generalissimo One Min

1981 Chevrolet El Camino | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

The 1981 Chevrolet El Camino is Todd's car. Jesse uses it to flee Jack Welker's Compound after Walter has eliminated Jack and his gang. Todd argues his case to Walter, Jesse, and Mike about murdering Drew Sharp. While Jesse prefers to fire Todd,

Scott MacArthur | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Scott Wadsworth MacArthur is an American actor. He portrays Neil Kandy in El Camino.

Lalo Salamanca | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Don Eduardo - Main 2004 Lalo Salamanca Portrayed by Tony Dalton Gabriel Nunez stunt double Character information Full name Eduardo Aliases Don Jorge de Guzman Ben Black and Blue Date o

CC Mobile | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

CC Mobile is a retail chain located in Albuquerque, specializing in cell phones. Jimmy McGill worked at their uptown location while his law license was suspended. After the death of his brother Chuck, Jimmy began looking for jobs he could perfor

Badger | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Brandon Mayhew, commonly referred to as Badger, is one of Jesse Pinkman's longtime friends and a low-level meth distributor. Brandon went to participate in a documentary about young criminals living with prisoners for 3 weeks due to the obligati

Jesse Pinkman | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

Jesse Bruce Pinkman, also known by his clandestine pseudonym and business moniker Cap'n Cook, is a former chemist, manufacturer, and distributor who worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico, currently residing in Haines, Alaska. Originally a low-level

Jimmy McGill | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

James Morgan - Main 1965 1973 1992 1993 1997 1998 2001 2002 2003 2004 Circa 2007 2008 2009 2010 Jimmy McGill Portrayed by Bob Odenkirk Blake Bertrand young Cole Whitaker Character infor

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Who is Jesse Pinkman? 🢓
Jesse Pinkman is a former chemist, manufacturer, and distributor who worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Jesse Pinkman | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom
What is Jimmy McGill's professional alias? 🢓
Saul Goodman
Jimmy McGill | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom

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