Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: energy fitness (0.01 sek.)
Energy technology can be costly and inconvenient for commercial usage due to operational expenses. Atlas Energy Systems, a Purdue University-affiliated startup, is working to create a more robust form of energy technology.
techxplore.com 2019-11-20Two fundamental goals of humanity are to eradicate poverty and reduce climate change, and it is critical that the world knows whether achieving these goals will involve trade-offs. New IIASA research for the first time provides ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-18172 mln złotych - rekordowa kara w historii Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumenta - została dzisiaj zatwierdzona wobec spółki Engie Energy. W tle jest sprawa postępowania przeciwko Gazpromowi i pięciu innym międzynarodowym podmiotom odpowiedzialnym za finansowanie gazociągu Nord Stream 2.
niezalezna.pl 2019-11-08Sp łka Engie Energy zapłaci 172 mln zł za brak wsp łpracy z Urzędem.
www.tvp.info 2019-11-08Siwar Khemakhem, Mouna Rekik, and Lotfi Krichen of the Control and Energy Management Laboratory at the National Engineering School of Sfax, in Tunisia, are investigating the potential of home energy management based on plug-in ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-08How do you store renewable energy so its there when you need it, even when the sun isnt shining or the wind isnt blowing? Giant batteries designed for the electrical gridcalled flow batteries, which store electricity ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-08Offshore wind could become Europes largest single source of electricity and its use for power generation is set to increase 15-fold worldwide by 2040, the International Energy Agency IEA said Friday.
techxplore.com 2019-10-25Energy storage company Highview Power has announced its intention to build a cryogenic energy storage facility in the north of Englanda first for the U.K. The project calls for converting a decommissioned thermal power ...
techxplore.com 2019-10-25The International Energy Agency has dubbed increased global cooling demand as one of the most critical blind spots in todays energy debate. A new study titled Meeting Increased Global Cooling Demand with Photovoltaics during ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-11Renewable energy has become competitiveand one often-overlooked reason is the reduced cost of financing. Researchers from ETH Zurich and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK have modeled different scenarios ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-11Reklamy Polgle