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Malicious third-party advertisers or hackers expose web users to a security threat by injecting malicious JavaScript code to intercept user clicks and trick them into visiting untrusted web content. To investigate the problem ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-19A bus driver has a heart attack, veering off the road and crashing into a building site. Many passengers are injured, and the clock is ticking. Who should you treat first?
techxplore.com 2019-11-19Google Vice President Jacqueline Fuller says the company is having a lot of conversations internally amid worries about the tech giants bottomless appetite for consumer data and how it uses its algorithms.
techxplore.com 2019-11-19In a study by Matti Nelimarkka and his colleagues, interviewees brought up the fact that content recommendation models on social media may be poor solutions for reducing polarization in discussions. In another recently published ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-12Along with its new iPhones, Apple is stepping up on content and services for its devices for its big media event Tuesday.
techxplore.com 2019-09-11The iPhone will be front and center at Apples upcoming media presentation even as the California tech giant steps up its efforts in content and services for its devices.
techxplore.com 2019-09-09Australia ordered internet providers on Monday to block eight websites that published content linked to the Christchurch mosque massacrea first under new censorship rules.
techxplore.com 2019-09-09Asus has stirred up interest in its gaming display for laptops. Asus fittingly chose Europes largest consumer tech show for the debut site of its fast laptop gaming display. These are being tagged as gaming machines with ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-06Johnatan Van Maren, publicysta Life Site News w swoim programie twierdzi, że choć lewica oskarża konserwatystów o neokolonializm w Afryce, to w rzeczywistości winni są lewicowcy z ich mediami i organizacjami. To oni narzucają afrykańskim krajom rewolucję seksualną, często szantażując mieszkańców i przywódców na Czarnym Kontynencie
www.fronda.pl 0000-00-00Kardynał Victor Manuel Fernández odpowiadając portalowi Life Site News na pytanie o błogosławienie par homoseksualnych, stwierdził, że generalnie błogosławieństwa są dla każdego. Portal opublikował pełny tekst wypowiedzi nowego prefekta Dykasterii Nauki Wiary, udzielonej w dniu, w którym został kardynałem. Dziennikarze spytali, czy
www.fronda.pl 0000-00-00Reklamy Polgle