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Sonda Change-4 i łazik Yutu-2 kontynuują eksplorację odległej strony Księżyca.
www.tvp.info 2020-02-19Na całym świecie styczeń 2020 r., obok tego z 2016 r., był najcieplejszym odnotowanym dotychczas pierwszym miesiącem roku, pokazują dane Copernicus Climate Change Service C3S.
wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 2020-02-06Ponad milion osób podpisało się pod petycją umieszczoną na stronie Change.org, której autor apeluje o umieszczenie tragicznie zmarłego 26 stycznia Kobego Bryanta w oficjalnym logo NBA - pisze BBC.
www.rp.pl 2020-01-28Wind energy holds great promise as a source of renewable energy, but some have wondered if measures taken to address climate change have taken precedence over conservation of biodiversity. Wind turbines, for example, kill ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-26A new analysis from university-based and national laboratory researchers applied a new modeling approach for long-term electricity generation infrastructure planning that considers future climate and water resource conditions. ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-21A new United Nations report shows the worlds major fossil fuel producing countries, including Australia, plan to dig up far more coal, oil and gas than can be burned if the world is to prevent serious harm from climate change.
techxplore.com 2019-11-21Cooking robots and tastier recipes: Japanese electronics giant Sony on Wednesday launched a new artificial intelligence unit they hope will change the way we cook and eat.
techxplore.com 2019-11-20Two fundamental goals of humanity are to eradicate poverty and reduce climate change, and it is critical that the world knows whether achieving these goals will involve trade-offs. New IIASA research for the first time provides ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-18Changing climate and weather patterns are going to have dramatic impacts on Canadas production potential of hydroelectricity, according to new Concordia research.
techxplore.com 2019-11-08The way people get around is starting to change, and as a professor of transport strategy I do rather wonder if the modes of transport we use today will still be around by the turn of the next century.
techxplore.com 2019-11-08Reklamy Polgle