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Just a few years ago, virtual reality VR was being showered with very real money. The industry raised an estimated US900 million in venture capital in 2016, but by 2018 that figure had plummeted to US280 million.
techxplore.com 2019-11-18Ford is unveiling its first all-electric SUV, marking the start of an avalanche of battery-powered vehicles coming from mainstream and luxury automakers during the next two years that industry analysts say will boost electric ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-18Amazon.com Inc. said Monday that it planned to open a new type of grocery store in Los Angeles next year, another step in the e-commerce giants multi-pronged effort to capture a larger piece of the massive U.S. grocery business.
techxplore.com 2019-11-12Letting people watch whatever shows they want, wherever they wish on devices of their choice has become such a hit it is shaking up the television industry.
techxplore.com 2019-10-28University of Queensland engineering researchers have developed a database of building materials to help industry professionals assess the risk of combustible cladding and boost the safety of our homes and workplaces.
techxplore.com 2019-10-25A passion for sustainable construction led University of Queensland Ph.D. student Mateo Gutierrez to explore the potential of bamboo as an environmentally friendly local building material.
techxplore.com 2019-09-09Frankfurts biennial International Auto Show IAA opens its doors to the public Thursday, but major foreign carmakers are staying away while climate demonstrators march outsideforming a microcosm of the industrys woes.
techxplore.com 2019-09-09Asus has stirred up interest in its gaming display for laptops. Asus fittingly chose Europes largest consumer tech show for the debut site of its fast laptop gaming display. These are being tagged as gaming machines with ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-06Johnatan Van Maren, publicysta Life Site News w swoim programie twierdzi, że choć lewica oskarża konserwatystów o neokolonializm w Afryce, to w rzeczywistości winni są lewicowcy z ich mediami i organizacjami. To oni narzucają afrykańskim krajom rewolucję seksualną, często szantażując mieszkańców i przywódców na Czarnym Kontynencie
www.fronda.pl 0000-00-00Kardynał Victor Manuel Fernández odpowiadając portalowi Life Site News na pytanie o błogosławienie par homoseksualnych, stwierdził, że generalnie błogosławieństwa są dla każdego. Portal opublikował pełny tekst wypowiedzi nowego prefekta Dykasterii Nauki Wiary, udzielonej w dniu, w którym został kardynałem. Dziennikarze spytali, czy
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