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The new transport projects governments are constantly announcing are expensive. In the recent New South Wales and Victorian elections, the returned state governments transport infrastructure promises added up to A165 billion. ...
techxplore.com 2019-11-12Many of the systems that provide services or products we use daily, such as the electrical grid, oil and gas pipelines, vehicles, and manufacturing plants, are examples of cyberphysical systemssystems that integrate computing ...
techxplore.com 2019-10-25An attack against speech recognition systems with manipulated audio files used to work only via a data interface. Now, all it takes is playing the secret messages via loudspeakers.
techxplore.com 2019-10-25For dual-mode rocket engines to be successful, a propellant must function in both combustion and electric propulsion systems. Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign used a salt-based propellant that ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-11Quantum many-body systems QMBs, which are physical systems made up of multiple interacting particles, are among the most challenging structures to reproduce in numerical simulations. In the past, researchers have attempted ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-09Asus has stirred up interest in its gaming display for laptops. Asus fittingly chose Europes largest consumer tech show for the debut site of its fast laptop gaming display. These are being tagged as gaming machines with ...
techxplore.com 2019-09-06Bydgoski Nitro-Chem sprzedał amerykańskiej firmie General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems środek wybuchowy do bomb typu MK 84.
kresy.pl 2019-09-05Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne podpisały porozumienie z amerykańskim koncernem Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems.
www.tvp.info 2019-08-12W pierwszym półroczu 2019 z salonów wyjechało ponad 278 tys. nowych osobówek, to o 1,9 proc. więcej niż w analogicznym okresie ub. roku - podała firma doradcza Exact Systems. Rekordowy - prawie podwójny wzrost sprzedaży - zanotowały elektryki.
niezalezna.pl 2019-07-17Akcjonariusze Benefit Systems zdecydowali na walnym zgromadzeniu o niewypłacaniu dywidendy z zysku za 2018 rok, a także upoważnili zarząd ...
manager.inwestycje.pl 2019-06-26Reklamy Polgle