Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: site:aicragellebasi.social - 146 wyników (0.01 s)
Al-??hiz, an Arabic scientist of the 9th century, belongs to the thinkers whose participation in and contribution to the develo...
Każdy z nas w pewien sposób z nich korzysta. Piszemy posty i komentarze na Facebooku, wrzucamy zdjęcia na Instagrama, tweetujemy...
Teoria opracowana przez brytyjską socjolog Margaret Scotford Archer może być słusznie uważana za jedną z najbardziej znaczących...
In this book, the famous "high-tech genius", according to the Sunday Times, warns about the dangers of social network...
In this book, the famous "high-tech genius", according to the Sunday Times, warns about the dangers of social networks...
The Asia and Pacific Library book series is a unique initiative that promotes the most interesing works on Asian Studies by Poli...
Tom 4. serii "Kultura i polityka" wydawanej we współpracy z Instytutem Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Piotr Załę...
The main issue of the research in this work is involvement of social actors in the housing policy process. The literature revie...
This book is the fruit of a meeting of the ELLYS, which was held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on 4–5 June 2015. The...
The number of people willing to settle and take up employment on the territory of the European Union has increased in recent yea...
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