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Poziom 5 - 1000 słów.Ronan i Patrick Dooley są braćmi. W 1921 roku opuszczają swoje rodziny w Irlandii, aby rozpocząć nowe życi...
Jan lost the battle for the principality, but not the war. However, there is something more terrible. A cruel demon took posses...
'Ana's Dream Land' it is a children's storybook about little girl Ana, which runs away from her real life in the land of the dr...
Jan lost the battle for the principality, but not the war. However, there is something more terrible. A cruel demon took possess...
From review of Professor O. Sadchenko:"The monograph emphasizes the development features of the process of convergence in agricu...
From review of Professor O. Sadchenko: “The monograph emphasizes the development features of the process of convergence i...
Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. „Kraina mgieł" jest...
„… i poczułem się tak, jak chciałbym czuć się przez całe moje życie: beztroski, opanowany, otwarty i nieśmiertelny”. Missouri, r...
Andres Serrano (born 1950), one of the most celebrated representatives of contemporary photography and art, achieved major prom...
There are collected 3 stories. One of the stories has a distinctly ironic accent. In "Smile of Fortune", the young ca...
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