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Twoja reklama tutaj, wytarczy że dodasz nową kampanię reklamową w Polsce Webmaster aby Twoja reklama się wyświetlała na określone słowa kluczowe. Teraz dostaniesz do 1000 zł za darmo na reklamę..
Lindorm is a powerful draconic Gaia-Titan used heavily by Lok Lambert. Controlling this Titan requires his Seeker to be in complete control of both thoughts and emotions. One mis-directed thought and Lindorm will charge like a raging bull to mak
This page is to help organize information about the different Suit teams in order to expound upon the current information. Suits are the lowest level minions of the Organization. Typically dressed in dark suits, they are the pawns whom the highe
Amulets are the most common artifact containing Titans, the other primary medium being the more-powerful rings. Amulets are usually shaped with a reference to its Titan or the Titan's icon. A jewel is set in its center, which has a color corresp
Eathon Lambert's Journal is a collection of Eathon Lambert's knowledge about being a Seeker and of ancient secrets about Titans and magic. Lok Lambert has used this journal written by his father in an attempt to uncover the truth behind Eathon's
Gigadrone is a flying, insectoid Swara-Titan with six appendages, four of which serve as arms. Able to fire laser blasts from his eyes, this Titan is commonly used alongside Venomaster by Wilder's Suits, serving a similar purpose to the Mindrone
Impet, a twisted, darker brother of Cherit, is a small, nimble Titan with dark blue skin. Adept at hiding and sneaking up on his target, he possesses the ability to enhance his allies or curse his enemies. Impet Amulets are in the possession of
Anubian, the Scarab Lord, is a powerful and unusual Titan, Anubian is formed by calling together the Black Scarabese and Gold Scarabese Titans. A Seeker must have enough power and control to command all five Titans to form Anubian. The Black and
Solwing is a Krono-Titan resembling a six-winged hawk wearing the helmet of a Greek or Roman soldier. Being highly adept at flight, Solwing can dive at incredible velocity and turn just moments before impact with the ground, a building, or anoth
Myrmidon is a Krono-Titan whose muscular body is donned with red clothes and gold armor in the style of an ancient Greek warrior. He is equipped with a clawed gauntlet on his left hand and wields a sword for combat. A Myrmidon Amulet is in the p
Fenris is a powerful wolf-like Titan, the only known specimen of which once roamed through the caves under the Temple of Thor. This wild and animalistic Titan was later used by Montehue, becoming among his choice Titans in the fight against evil
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Reklamy Bajkowa
Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamowej 3Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamowej 3Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamowej 3Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamow
Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamowej 3Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamowej 3Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamowej 3Mój tytuł w kampanii reklamow
Nowa polska platforma handlowa handlujemy.pl - dodaj ogoszenie lub sprzedaj przedmiot. Nieruchomości, Motoryzacja, AGD, RTV...